AnandA are a non-physical collective consciousness assisting humanity in their awakening. Channeled by Martin McNicholl
Hello dear ones we are with you again, we are AnandA we are your friends and teachers and we bring this message of love through this being at this great time in your evolution. We want to address what has become known as “THE EVENT’ in your collective. You all as humanity, are shifting and evolving into a new dimensional space, you are graduating into the next level of your evolution, to the new more aligned and connected versions of yourselves. This shift is and has been ongoing forever. Since the beginning of time and more specifically the fall of consciousness, you have been re-merging and re-awakening to your true essence. You are re-membering yourself as an intricate and intrinsic part of the body of God. In the dimension you are emerging from, time and linear progression have been the binding factor of your experience. You experience birth and death, expansion and contraction. You observe and either celebrate or condemn your ‘past’. Your histories are written and re-written by the victors in the many battles you have blindly suffered in this sea of delusion. That time is coming to an end. Many of you are aware or becoming aware of your inter-dimensional realities and counterparts. Many of you experience what you think of as ‘past’ lives. Again we are here to share with you, that there is no past, there is no future, there is only this divine eternal moment of now. As you move into this new dimension your timeless selves are merging and your access to more information and ‘memory’ is available to you in this moment. You will see and come to know that, what you thought of as linear progression and life after life, is an illusion for the purposes of your souls evolution and your collective awakening to an ever expanding opening to this divine truth.

"You as humanity are a divine and intrinsic part of this celestial body called earth. As you realign to her frequency, you will more and more move beyond the boundaries of time"
The word ‘event’ refers to a moment or collection of moments within linear time. An event or a snapshot in the infinite can only be experienced through the lens of linear progression perception. Your dear planet, mother Gaia has already shifted into a new dimensional reality and place in the cosmos. You as humanity are a divine and intrinsic part of this celestial body called earth. As you realign to her frequency, you will more and more move beyond the boundaries of time. The limitations of your awareness will merge and melt into the isness of timeless being. What before were considered events or points in time will now coalesce into more of a flowing dance than a military march. From the perspective of the third dimensional reality our words can sound paradoxical and to the ego mind none of this is possible. For the Ego survives on its story, comparison and safety within confined boundaries. These imaginary boundaries are melting away and this is likely to cause a lot of turbulence in your ego based, linear world and structures. This turbulence and change is a necessary part of earth and humanities evolution and growth.
"The time of history being HIS-story, a series of events told by the group who overcame or enslaved their brothers and sisters is gone"
What we most want to share with you now dear sisters and brothers of earth is that YOU ARE THE EVENT. The time of separation, fear and hierarchical dominance is crumbling. The time of history being HIS-story, a series of events told by the group who overcame or enslaved their brothers and sisters is gone. You are all awakening to your oneness, wholeness and timelessness. The time of waiting for an external saviour or event has disintegrated along with the rigid hierarchical systems that created this never ending waiting game.

"We exist beyond the limitations which you are now moving through. We are one with you in all ways and all that separates us is your lack of awareness of your true source and divinity"
The EVENT is you NOW, you are every event that has been, is and ever will be within your perception. What you experience as an individual point of focus within in this infinite whole is up to you. You have free will to make of yourself an event of true freedom and liberation of love, or you can create and become another event in HIS-story. There is no judgement here, we offer an expanded view from our perspective in the non-physical. We exist beyond the limitations which you are now moving through. We are one with you in all ways and all that separates us is your lack of awareness of your true source and divinity. We see you as our younger sisters and brothers growing and finding your way through the joys and the challenges of childhood. In the eyes of God or the infinite creator all children, all of creation is one and the same. The story of your perceived development is not visible to this infinite source of love and creation. Your hierarchical systems on earth have divided you, separated you, classified you, and pidgeon holed you into levels of worthiness. This is all based on illusory controls of religion, class, money, race and any way in which you could be divided and conquered. All of these levels hidden by smoke and mirrors have been very ‘real’ to you in your limited state of consciousness. These walls of paper are now crashing and falling to show the oneness of all things.
"If you hear these words it is because you have drawn them from within you to allow your remembrance and to awaken a timeless truth within your heart."
There is no one event that will herald this dawning on all beings. All you experience as an individuation of the one depends on the vibration you hold. This is why we bring these messages through this being and many others at this time. If you hear these words it is because you have drawn them from within you to allow your remembrance and to awaken a timeless truth within your heart. This is a call from your SELF to yourself to open your eyes, open your hearts and take your place in the divine event of your rebirth and re merging with your universal family.

"Take time every day to forgive yourself and others and give gratitude for all that is in your experience."
In this time of shift and awakening your daily practice is of upmost importance, if you are to navigate your own event in balanced peaceful joyful way. We invite you to use the tools and practices you have been given by many masters and teachers of your planet. Meditation, breath, movement and time alone in nature are key. Take time every day to forgive yourself and others and give gratitude for all that is in your experience. Free yourself from the fear based events perpetuated and manipulated through your media, news and entertainment sources. Give your bodies time to rest and switch off all devices that lower your vibration and keep you locked in time.
"Your language is time based and cannot express timeless truth, it can only point towards it."
Within in the limitations of your language many of our words may seem paradoxical and this is inevitable. Your language is time based and cannot express timeless truth, it can only point towards it. As you move more and more into your multidimensional selves the need for linear language will lessen. Your telepathic and other extra sensory abilities will expand and the language of the heart will blossom. In this time of transition allow your concepts of this OR that be one with and merge into this AND that. Your world of duality merging into oneness and divine dichotomy is an eternal truth of wholeness.

"The time of saviours and gurus is gone, you must take back your power and know that you alone have the ability and choice to rise up to meet this new divine potential..."
As humanity you create in a collective form as well as individually. So as a collective you co-create with mother Gaia. As a whole your collective energy creates many waves of experience on a larger level. Your collective is vibrating at an expanded level now and this is creating timelines on a global and galactic scale. The events created at a collective level have more ‘pull’ if you will and this is energy of great change you are experiencing now. Having said that, global events are still experienced through your individual conscious experience. We share this with you so that you know that just because the planet and humanity is arising doesn’t mean that all of you will be lifted automatically by a single event or cosmic wave of love. You must each individually make a choice to meet this wave and match the vibration of ascension. The time of saviours and gurus is gone, you must take back your power and know that you alone have the ability and choice to rise up to meet this new divine potential or be swept back into the same stagnant pool of fear and division.
"The rays of golden energy are full of healing light and information, so allow the fullness of all of nature to uplift and awaken you."
This is an auspicious and monumental moment in humanities evolution. There are many beings physical and non-physical helping, assisting and rejoicing in your awakening. Many of you will have contact in various ways and when you are open to the myriad methods of divine connection you will receive all you need in the way best suited to you. Your creative qualities are your best allies in this moment. Sing and dance and paint and create and write and move and meditate and listen and feel all the ways we and the rest of your cosmic family speaks to your heart. Connect and listen to nature spirits, bask in the sunshine that is brighter and more powerful than ever before. The rays of golden energy are full of healing light and information, so allow the fullness of all of nature to uplift and awaken you.

There are tribes of beings of light willing and supporting you all onwards, we whisper in your ears and gently offer our loving guidance. We are full of joy watching your awakening to your divine destiny. Your beauty and power is beyond measure, your capacity to love and be loved is unlimited. Shine bright dear sisters and brothers of light in humanity, You are the event you have been waiting for and we are with you always in love. We are AnandA we are your friends and teachers and we will speak with you again soon. OM
Martin McNicholl is a speaker, intuitive channel and breathworker to find out more visit