How do I boost my energy levels?
Hello dear one we are with you again, it is with great pleasure we interact with you in this way, and we are grateful to you for allowing this process to happen in this way.
"You have all chosen the experience you are currently having with the environment, bodies, situations making up the players and props of the game"

Your energy systems or energy bodies are a complex array of interconnected frequency bands that coalesce to create a form. From your current awareness you cannot see your subtle bodies but many of you are awakening these innate abilities and more and more energy is becoming apparent to your perception. Your energy body is made up of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. If you will, your whole essence is energetic as is your reality. Energy is the ‘stuff’ of universe in your language, although this is a necessary simplification for explanation. Energy is the flow or movement of life itself. This movement is dictated by intention and held together by free will. You have all chosen the experience you are currently having with the environment, bodies, situations making up the players and props of the game. Your essence and core are an amalgamation of varying degrees and speeds of vibration. The physical or what you know of as matter is a slow vibrating energy and this energy increases in velocity as you move to nonphysical subtle bodies and the realms of thought, emotion and your Lightbody.
"From the tiniest element to the grandest universe you are all of it and yet can have this wonderful gift of discovery from your unique and apparent separate view."
You are, in simple terms a three part being, body, mind and soul. Within and beyond this division are infinite, intricate subtleties that you cannot fully perceive or understand from the physical perspective. At this point the most important thing to understand is that while you are a 3 part being none of these are separate, nor are you separate from anything else in creation. You are all that is experiencing itself in endless guises of variety. From the tiniest element to the grandest universe you are all of it and yet can have this wonderful gift of discovery from your unique and apparent separate view.
"Energy shifts, moulds, changes and reforms in infinite ways as a reflection and dance of the Creator that God is dreaming"

Energy, like creation ‘is’. Energy always was, always is and always will be within time. Energy shifts, molds, changes and reforms in infinite ways as a reflection and dance of the Creator that God is dreaming. Energy will always be, it is only the temporary forms from people to planets to prime creation that come and go. Your bodies are like mini universes and as your technology increases, more and more you will see your limitlessness. The seeming boundaries and limitations are only bound by your ability to perceive.
"When you connect your physical body to mother Gaia, unencumbered by man-made coverings, you activate and open the strongest energy field you have direct access to in physical terms. Take your shoes off, get out of your cars, touch the trees and the water and truly living things in your natural environment"

So to address your question, you cannot increase your energy. You are always full, whole, unchanging and limitless as this energy. You only give yourself the experience of high and low, up and down so that you may know and experience yourself more fully. While you cannot increase the energy of infinity, which is who and what you are, you can allow, accept and experience a more full version of yourself than you currently do. When you feel a lack of energy it has nothing to do with the ‘supply’ of energy as again this is what you are– unlimited. This is more to do with the blocking or re-routing of divine power to give yourself an experience in physicality. Your environment and society are currently set up to disconnect you from your innate limitless energy. You are disconnected from nature and mother Gaia through cities, homes and even your footwear. When you connect your physical body to mother Gaia, unencumbered by man-made coverings, you activate and open the strongest energy field you have direct access to in physical terms. Take your shoes off, get out of your cars, touch the trees and the water and truly living things in your natural environment. This process has endless benefits and opens up your awareness of your energy store as the part of mother Gaia that you are. All the things you have developed in so-called advanced modern life cut your connections and awareness of the endless energy source of your planet. T.V., computers, phones, cities, ‘protective’ clothing and ‘protective’ chemicals dampen, reduce and distort the energy that is always available to you all, and that is free to all.
"We have spoken before about the benefits of moving to a lighter, natural, plant based diet, but also we would stress that the amount of food you consume in the western world, is in most cases counterproductive and energy sapping."

Humanity has evolved or we could say devolved to the state or belief in the need for external elements for deriving energy. In the physical sense this is seen as food. What most people call food and consume as food is a toxic, man-made, manipulated, control device. While ultimately all things are this same energy, your food has been modified and tampered with so that instead of nourishing and energizing, it actually creates dependency and it’s nutritional content is minute in comparison with what mother Gaia offers naturally. We have spoken before about the benefits of moving to a lighter, natural, plant based diet, but also we would stress that the amount of food you consume in the western world, is in most cases counter-productive and energy sapping.
"...but know this, you are the energy that creates the stars in the sky, your energy the lights up the day, you are the energy of a small child finding its way in this wonderful world"

This leads to the nonphysical or energetic components of the equation. Many of you seek food, relationships, money, social acceptance because of an emotional lack and a feeling of separation. While there is a place and a positive experience from external stimulation, you are in need of nothing outside of yourself for your survival. You exist, always have and always will. Your existence is never challenged or in doubt, and it is in the fear of separation and belief in fallibility that you reach for relationships, materials or physical goals to fill the perceived lack in your being. Unexpressed emotions, attachments and fear of death drive your constant search for more, when in reality you cannot be more than what you are. You are whole, healed, complete and one now, you can never be anything else. In the temporary dream of life you experience now, it may seem very real, but know this, you are the energy that creates the stars in the sky, your energy the lights up the day, you are the energy of a small child finding its way in this wonderful world. This energy flows through you, as you and in all things. This energy can never diminish, and you can direct it and use it to expand, enliven and experience joy, bliss and freedom.
"Express your emotions, your passions, your individual talents freely, widely and with no limits. Sing, dance, paint, create, build, laugh and celebrate from the place in you, that all energies and all things exist."

In moments that you feel disconnected or low, know that this is only a temporary experience and you can activate the never ending well filled with water of life, that flows and frees you. Step away from your technology and get into nature, connect directly with your skin and you will receive all you can use. Direct your energy of thought towards love, oneness and freedom. Send loving thoughts to your creator, to the earth, all beings and all you experience , and this will transform into an endless supply that guides, refreshes and uplifts you and all others. Express your emotions, your passions, your individual talents freely, widely and with no limits. Sing, dance, paint, create, build, laugh and celebrate from the place in you, that all energies and all things exist.
We are with you always and your energy is matched with ours in this moment. When you feel this unlimited resource of power and freedom in your heart share it with the world. Give, Give, Give to as many, and as far and wide as you can. For this gift expands as you give and it is endless.
We are and AnandA, we are your friends and teachers, we share our love and energy with you always and we will be with you again soon. Om.
AnandA are a non-physical collective consciousness here to assist humanity in its ascension process.
Martin McNicholl is a speaker, intuitive channel and breathworker you can find out more here