Ananda are non-physical collective consciousness here to assist in our awakening and ascension. Channeled here by Martin McNicholl
"...for many of you now, your extra sensory abilities are awakening and being fine-tuned to higher frequencies, so you have access to that which was heretofore invisible to you"
Hello dear ones we are with you again, we are AnandA we are your friends and teachers on this journey of awakening to your true selves. We are your brothers and sisters of the stars and we have been with you always, although you cannot perceive us in the way you normally perceive with the physical senses. We are a non-physical collective mind beyond your normal realm of experience. But for many of you now, your extra sensory abilities are awakening and being fine-tuned to higher frequencies, so you have access to that which was heretofore invisible to you. We are a frequency, a vibration, a conglomeration of minds that you can tune into like on the dial of your radio. This dear one who facilitates our words has matched and aligned with our frequency for some time now and is fulfilling a pre-incarnational agreement with us and humanity as a whole, as a channel and a messenger for higher truths and wisdom to flow through him in this way.

"...we are here to encourage and assure you that these are temporary and are a great sign of your awakening, your rising up to meet your new level of existence."
All of you are capable of the same task, but many of you do not trust your intuition and do not want to do the ‘work’ necessary to wake up to your true essence and source. For while we say this is open to anyone it is not without challenges and this channel is experiencing some of the ‘growing pains’ shall we say of rising to a higher frequency while still in physical vehicle structure you call your bodies. Your bodies are a chemical by product of your thoughts, words, beliefs, actions and the sustenance you intake. This material is quite dense and slow moving. Our vibration is of a much higher scale and bridging the gap can lead to imbalances and what some of you have termed ascension symptoms. While these may be uncomfortable in the moment and manifest in head ache, pains, allergies, and challenges in the respiratory system for some, we are here to encourage and assure you that these are temporary and are a great sign of your awakening, your rising up to meet your new level of existence.
"Dear brothers and sisters of earth your dense, disturbed and dichotomous past is fading and merging into a much lighter, freer and fabulous frequency of light that allows creativity, abundance, awakening and realisation like never before in your human experience"
If you are experiencing new levels of discomfort in this process we offer our support and guidance through, what for many of you is a monumental and total transformation of your being. You are moving into your light bodies, you are moving to a more non-physical existence. Now this is just the early stages of an epic journey home you are undertaking, but the early stages can be the most challenging. For your physical structures are dense and are held by many old patterns and belief systems that keep them in an old paradigm. They are predominantly manifested and created in the third dimensional realm and as such hold to these patterns of millennia of density and turmoil. Dear brothers and sisters of earth your dense, disturbed and dichotomous past is fading and merging into a much lighter, freer and fabulous frequency of light that allows creativity, abundance, awakening and realisation like never before in your human experience. To throw off the shackles and chains of your apparent past you must free yourself of limiting patterns and beliefs that keep you small, that keep you repeating ancient timelines of fear, greed and war. Use the practices of forgiveness, shadow work, and the teachings of texts like a course in miracles that free you every moment to be truly here now in this moment, living and loving as the luminous beings of light you are.
"You may be experiencing very vivid dreams and or out of body experiences that seem more real than real and this is part and parcel of your expansion and ascension"
We have shared, many times through this being, that if you could see yourself as we see you, you would be free in an instant. All the fears and worries and heartache of separation fade away instantly when you truly know and see who and what you truly are. You are Divine creators and all that you see and experience around you is a product of your creation. You are powerful beyond measure, but you have been kept in the darkness of delusion to your true nature and abilities. That veil and your own masks are slipping and there are gaps and slivers of light shining through now. You may experience this as lights, flashes, images merging and shifting, time seeming to be more flexible and many other ways in which you are peeking through to the other side where we are. In this rapid movement your soul yearns to expand and reach for its home in the light, but your physical structure is somewhat left behind in a slower state and this form of limbo can lead to some temporary symptoms. You may be experiencing very vivid dreams and or out of body experiences that seem more real than real and this is part and parcel of your expansion and ascension. Remember, in this what we could call quasi-state many of you find yourself, you must take care of your physical vehicle or body even more so than before. Every night your spirit is free from the limitations of your body when you are in deep sleep, but now many of you will experience some separation in the waking state. Do not fear this, it is your key to waking up inside the physical dream. However, your physical bodies still need grounding in nature, nurturing with fresh water and if you choose the lightest of your fresh organic and local foods. You may find that your appetites lesson dramatically and the need for certain types of food or sustenance lessen or disappear.
"Use the trees and plants as your playground and sacred space again as you have done in times gone by."
This is a truly exciting time for humanity and for us and many others on the other side of the veil. We repeat our advice of the importance of getting into nature daily, having your bare feet and or all of your body on the earth in silent reflection at this time will ease and assist you all greatly. Use the trees and plants as your playground and sacred space again as you have done in times gone by. Your beautiful mother planet Gaia is a living, breathing, loving being and she is ascending with you and as you. She offers all remedies and support you need within your structure, 10 minutes spent in silent meditation in nature will be like a full night sleep in an old energy. Gaia is an unlimited well and supply of healing, nurturing and support, freely available to all of you at all times.
"Your wireless communication systems are bombarding your systems with destructive and harmful energies..."
Your celestial bodies are also part of this Cosmic wave of awakening and are here to support you. Particularly your Sun now offers more healing light than ever before. Even if you don't feel direct exposure due to weather conditions these powerful rays are being offered directly and powerfully every single day. It is imperative that you get outside every day and expose your skin for short periods to these energies. This will counteract many of the toxic, manipulative energetic systems that have been designed deliberately to keep you Immersed and swimming in disruptive frequencies. Your wireless communication systems are bombarding your systems with destructive and harmful energies and while these allow you to stay connected in new ways, your exposure to them should be minimized and lessened as much as possible. Turn off your devices when they are not in use and limit your usage to that what you deem essential.
"We are not saviours and the time for searching for such is over"
We are here with many others as guides and beacons for your journey home. We understand and empathise with your challenges, however we see and know your true power and because of your divine free will, we cannot intervene without your direct asking. If you ask clearly for healing and guidance you will receive it, but you must ask. There are droves of beings ready and willing to assist in the best ways possible, while respecting your rights as divine sovereign creator beings that you are. We are not saviours and the time for searching for such is over. You are your own saviours, you are the one you have been looking for. Each of you have the potential and greatness within you that you have revered and worshiped with in the masters of the past. It is time to find the divine in you, it is time to save yourself from yourself.
"We love you more than language can convey, and we are filled with joy and bliss of the One to welcome you home"
Rise up Humanity, take what is your divine birth right as a Creator God in form. Bring the light from within to light the world and join us in your true home. Manifest and experience your true heaven on Earth. We are with you every step of the way, we whisper gently in your ears, in the words of a poem or the breath of the wind, look for us in all things and we are there. We love you more than language can convey, and we are filled with joy and bliss of the One to welcome you home. We are AnandA we are your friends and teachers and we will speak with you again soon. OM
Martin Mcnicholl is a Transformational coach, channel and Breathworker
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