3 Daily Simple Steps To Deep Self love And Care
Do you Love yourSELF?
I Truly love mySELF! It has taken many years of struggle and pain and forgetfulness but I am finally remembering to love my SELF. Society and conditioning has made us afraid or guilty or ashamed to truly love and accept ourselves. We are continually sold and marketed products that will make us 'better' , more beautiful, more healthy. We have so many years of education but no one teaches us to love ourselves.
Today in this short blog I will share with you three simple steps that I use personally and with the beautiful people I work with to activate and experience Self Love Every day.
The Three Quick Simple Steps To Self Love
Morning/Evening Love bath
Every morning as soon as you wake up before you open your eyes, and/or just before you go to sleep, take a moment and send love to every part of your body. Start at the bottom of your feet and move all the way up. Sending love to every inch of your body. Send loving thoughts and appreciation and give extra attention and love to anywhere that feels sore or tired. This is the daily bath is the best one you will ever have
Love Journal
Every day have a small journal beside your bed or breakfast table and begin a habit to write down with pen or pencil at least three things you love about yourself. There is no maximum but start small to begin with and commit to making it a daily habit. You will find that you begin to find more and more things everyday, and fall in love with yourSELF more and more.
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
This last one can be a challenge for some but also is one of the most powerful practices you can do. When you are in the bathroom after brushing your teeth morning and night, look into the mirror and deeply into your eyes and say out loud at least three times. I love you! Take some time with this and really look deeply into the windows of your soul. This one practice can transform your days and nights in an instant.
If you want to learn more deeply on this subject you watch this more in depth video live coaching I did here.

Martin McNicholl is a Multidimensional Coach, Intuitive Channel and breathworker. He is the founder of the Self Help Detox and Activate Brearthwork. Martin is guiding people to a remeberence of their truth, purpose and mission through unique ancient and modern wisdom.