Hello dear one we are with you again. We are AnandA and we are here as friends to teach and share our loving guidance. Our message today is for all of you as humanity. For your calls are being heard and answered. Many of you are seeking and we want to assure you that your prayers are heard and you all have guidance and loving support on the other side.
"Two major timelines now exist side-by-side and this can explain why many of you are experiencing such polarity"

Shifting Realities
At this time on your planet there are major changes occurring, a lot of it you can see but most of it you cannot. This is both the challenge and the blessing of your choice to incarnate in the physical earthly experience. Your ignorance and insomnia of your true identity allows you a wonderful blank slate to explore, create and discover yourself in new ways. The flip side to this is that you are blinded to the nature of reality and to the consequences of separation thinking and fearful action. Your beautiful planet Gaia is balancing and recalibrating and is moving through a transformation and ascension along with all of you. This shift is a moving into new dimensional reality, a new state of being in a new home if you will. The significant energetic shifts taking place are part and parcel of this movement. As mother Gaia shifts, you all shift with her. What makes this shift unique and for many, very turbulent, is that while you all shift, you are not all shifting to the same ‘place’ if you will. Timelines, realities and states of being are splitting into two distinct paths. Two major timelines now exist side-by-side and this can explain why many of you are experiencing such polarity. You are seeing a wider chasm between the people who have wildly different viewpoints, experience and perceptions.
"Depending on your perspective you will notice beings fading or even disappearing from your experience, as you all amalgamate and merge with groups of like frequency."
You all still exist together in these diverging timelines of reality. These lines of possibility and opportunity are gradually separating and getting further apart. Which of these realities or paths you experience in this moment, is dictated by your individual frequency or vibration. One track is either staying stuck where it has been, or moving further into fear, and the other is moving towards love expansion and ascension. The reality and examples of this will become more and more apparent as it progresses. Depending on your perspective you will notice beings fading or even disappearing from your experience, as you all amalgamate and merge with groups of like frequency.
"Again we want to share that this form of connection or channelling is open to all of you. Your guides, teachers and friends are always on the other side of the door, all you have to do is open it."
If you are reading these words you have made a decision to follow your heart and our hearts are joined with yours in love. It gives a great joy to merge with you in your dreams, imagination and creativity, for that is when you connect with us. Again we want to share that this form of connection or channelling is open to all of you. Your guides, teachers and friends are always on the other side of the door, all you have to do is open it. This is a key point that we want to share with you, while we are with you all at all times, you must ask for help and assistance or guidance to receive it. As a function of free well, intervention or assistance can only happen when requested by you.
"For you are gods, you are the energy that creates worlds, that beats hearts, and breathes life into all. This divine spark of infinite creation is in each and every one of you and all you need to do is to ask and listen"
Prayer and meditation
The religious systems on your planet have dominated and controlled your peoples for a long period of time through limitation of information flow and by placing an intermediary or literally a middle-MAN between you and spirit or you and god. This has been a wide and effective Hoax that has kept humanity apparently powerless and subjugated for centuries. You do not need anyone or anything to connect to your source energy, your essence, that which you are. For you are gods, you are the energy that creates worlds, that beats hearts, and breathes life into all. This divine spark of infinite creation is in each and every one of you and all you need to do is to ask and listen. As many of you are awakening from this religious dogmatic slumber, you can use prayer and meditation to receive all the answers you desire. You can drop the controlling, limiting forms of prayer that you have been scared into using to appease a wrathful God. Prayer is an opportunity to tap into your infinite divine wisdom bank, that is ever giving and free to all of you. So make your prayers and meditation ones of joyful communication with an old friend, there are no rules or systems or ways you need to be. Open this divine dialogue with your old friend that never left, and you shall recreate and reawaken the most wonderful creative and magical relationship you can have.
"Know in this time that we do speak to you in many ways, it can be in a song or whispered words in your ear. You can feel us in emotion, in the twinkle of an eye or a flash of inspiration"
We love you dearly brothers and sisters of earth and we long to speak to all of you. Know in this time that we do speak to you in many ways, it can be in a song or whispered words in your ear. You can feel us in your emotions, in the twinkle of an eye or a flash of inspiration. We are here with you communicating always, it is up to all you now to listen, allow and interpret if you choose. We speak in vibration and our language is love. There are times when you may feel us as pleasure or a tingling sensation in the body, or a ringing in the ears. We can talk to you in the words of loving thoughts, you just need to trust and follow the voice of love. You should always use your discernment if you are feeling doubts about your guidance. Spirit will only ever lead you in one direction, which is towards love. Spirit will always offer empowering, inspirational, uplifting and joy filled communication. The ego or conditioned mind will offer a fear based, limited, small and restrictive ways of being, If you truly feel and listen with your heart you will always know the source and direction of pure guidance. This does not mean that spirit will not guide you towards challenges, for this is part of the reason for you being here in this reality that offers so many opportunities for growth learning and expansion. Before you came into these bodies you made agreements that you would experience here on your own and with other beings, and you knew that the challenges and hardships at times provide the greatest opportunities. So be careful not to stunt your growth or miss the best opportunities through fear of facing your true self, your true essence.
"For you to continue on the path of love, awakening and ascension, you must forgive, understand and have compassion and love for all of the tyrants, governments, regimes, soldiers and people who kill, control and torture others. For they are all part of you, part of this one being that is humanity"
No separation
We want to address the other people that aren’t reading these words now. Those who are choosing a different path at this time. For many of these beings will be your family and friends and this may seem like a fearful prospect of moving away on the separate tracks. We want you all to know that there is no judgement, one track is not better than the other. Each track will lead to different destinations but ultimately all returns to the one. So in this moment you need to have compassion and understanding and love for those who seem to take the path of fear and war and suffering. For you to continue on the path of love, awakening and ascension, you must forgive, understand and have compassion and love for all of the tyrants, governments, regimes, soldiers and people who kill, control and torture others. For they are all part of you, part of this one being that is humanity. You must have the same compassion and love for murderers and the murdered, the abuser and the abused, If you want to know peace on Earth. Each time you judge, condemn fight or protest against what you see as the wrongs of the word, you actually strengthen expand and perpetuate that which you aim to stop. Each time you do this you have one foot on the path of fear and one foot on the path of love, and you will remain stuck. We understand that this can be one of the most challenging things for humans to accept and we reassure you that we can understand your struggles with this. We share this wisdom from a point of perspective that you currently are not aware of, the larger part of you is always aware but you are currently in a wonderful journey of awakening and remembering. From our current perspective, we see the big picture and you currently see the tip of the iceberg. Understand that there is no judgement or punishment for anyone other than that which you choose to enforce. In judging or condemning another, regardless of what the perceived wrongs they have committed, you judge condemn and imprison yourself. For there are no other beings, there are only reflections of you, that which you love in yourself and that which you fear, but it is all you.
"Rise up humanity, get off your knees and open the locks of your own chains. Heal the world with love, as love is all there is and you are love. See and feel this love in your friends and your foes and you shall be a way shower, a light in the darkness, a port in the storm"
Heal with love
Dear ones we invite you on this wonderful path of love, awakening, joy and bliss with us. Forgive, honour, accept and have compassion for yourselves. Love, accept, forgive and have compassion for those you know and those you don’t, that make difficult choices and take another path home. Help, support, honour and uplift those who have fallen into misery and despair through their forgetting of the magnificence and their creative abilities and true essence. Rise up humanity, get off your knees and open the locks of your own chains. Heal the world with love, as love is all there is and you are love. See and feel this love in your friends and your foes and you shall be a way shower, a light in the darkness, a port in the storm. You are all magnificent and we share this love and joy with you so that we may join in unison on this wonderful journey home. We are a AnandA, we are your friends and teachers and we leave you in love until the next time. Om

Martin Mcnicholl is a speaker, intuitive and breathworker you can find out more at www.activatebreathwork.com