Ananda are a non-physical collective consciousness channeled here through Martin McNicholl
Tell us about relationships and how we can have loving fulfilling interactions with others.
Hello, we are with you again dear one, we are AnandA, we are your friends and this relationship that we have what you will be our example. Thank you for this question and it is one that has been asked many times in pleas and prayers. We are here now to answer your call, for it is dearly needed now on your planet.
"The larger part of you never ‘leaves’, the multidimensional part of you is always aware and present as the whole."
Your physical experience you have chosen in the third dimension on earth is a drop in to separation from the one. You are not, cannot be separate from the whole, but the reality you create is to give that illusion. The illusion has become very realistic in terms of your experience and you all have become separated from what you are in your small minds. The larger part of you never ‘leaves’, the multidimensional part of you is always aware and present as the whole. So, you may ask why would I ever want to leave peace, harmony and oneness to experience pain suffering and separation?
"This is your gift to God if you will, you are God’s gift. While all things already exist and everything is here and now, with your creativity and free will you expand the experience within infinity."

We would say that it is in forgetting who and what you are that you can rediscover, experience and fully appreciate this wonderful re-emerging and reawakening to the truth. The fullness of who and what you are is never diminished or lessened by your limited awareness in which you now find yourself. On the contrary, by your endeavours and journeys into separation and unchartered experience, all that is knows and experiences it itself in unique ways through you. This is your gift to God if you will, you are God’s gift. While all things already exist and everything is here and now, with your creativity and free will you expand the experience within infinity. So, relationships are an interesting, frustrating, exciting, loving and sometimes complicated experience on your plane. In the beginning all that is, or God was all that existed, there was no other. So even though it was perfect and the divine, all that is could not experience itself, as it did not have anything to compare, reflect or contemplate. For it is only in difference, contrast or varying shades that one can fully experience and know itself. So, in a moment, relativity, relationships and duality were sprung into being in the mind of God. All that you can experience arrived in that moment, universes, galaxies, planets, beings, plants and down to the subatomic particles of creation. This was the very first relationship. All that is split itself into an infinite number of pieces all with the spark of the whole within it. In that moment this and that, here and there were created and what you know and experience as relationship to all things was born. Each of you are this divine spark of God, all of you are part of everything from the grain of sand to a galaxy it is in you and you are in it.
So, relationship is an experience of another part of yourself, or God in an apparently separate form for the purpose of re-emerging with it all in joyful union. You see yourself and body in the mirror and you seem separate and real and tangible, but if you see through our eyes or the eyes of the infinite you are an integral cell in the body of God. You are swimming in a sea of energy that has no end and beginning, it is eternal game of hide and Seek that the creation is playing with itself.
Our relationship to you is one of family, but not in the dysfunctional and fear-based form that many of you experience now on your planet. We see you as us and us as you, we experience ourselves as part of the whole with you. In this state of awareness there can be no suffering or pain or judgement, for all of those are self-inflicted wounds on the self
"You are a wondrous spectacular ray of light beaming like a shooting star across the sky, you are a rainbow dancing on the horizon, you are the spark, the flame and the candle and we want to awaken that fire within you again dear ones."
Relationships on your plane are an intense form of this game. You incarnate it into physical vehicles called your body’s which are very unique and seemingly completely separate from the rest. You spread your wings trying to further the illusion by judgement rejection individuality and fear. You are close to some but repel others, and here in lies human issues with relationships, the belief in separation. You are not separate from anyone or anything. You are the worm in the ground and the bird the sky, you are the king in the palace and the pauper in the slum, you are the ocean and the rain, you are the in and the out, the up and the down, and everything is you but you don’t see it. We are here to offer you a peek through our eyes, so you may see your magnificence, to see you how we see you, how God, infinite wisdom, all that is sees you. You are a wondrous spectacular ray of light beaming like a shooting star across the sky, you are a rainbow dancing on the horizon, you are the spark, the flame and the candle and we want to awaken that fire within you again dear ones.
It is time to though off the shackles and delusion, of disempowerment and hiding. It is time to reawaken your wondrous and weary hearts, it is time to join your family in the stars with the full awareness of your greatness.
You are in the perfect place at the perfect time to make this leap of faith to rediscover yourselves. You must allow yourself to drop the fears, separation and judgement. You can see yourself in all others and in your sublime earth. See the beauty in the eyes of a child or another sentient being as you. See yourself in the homeless man or the starving child, see yourself in the marauding army and peaceful protesters. See yourself in the down trodden and the oppressors. See yourself as the gods and goddesses you are, in the beauty, the sorrow and the pain. You are all of it and your salvation and transformation of your being and the planet begins when you realise this.
"For you should know this, your planet Earth is a living breathing being that is far beyond what you can perceive from your current perspective. You are all earths children and are part of this divine being."
Today examine your mind for each time you judge, denigrate or a lesson the worth of another being, animal or your beautiful planet. For you should know this, your planet Earth is a living breathing being that is far beyond what you can perceive from your current perspective. You are all earths children and are part of this divine being. Every time you judge or hurt another, every time you abuse yourself, or the wonder of nature you increase and prolong your suffering and the cycle of fear.
We ask you now to use relationships, all relationships for what you chose before coming here. Relationships are a means of you observing, experiencing and integrating all the fractured parts of you, so that divine mind, all that is becomes aware of itself more fully. See each body, brain, brick and butterfly as a bit of you. An infinite reflection of the fullness of your source. Love accept and integrate your enemies as yourself. For there are no enemies, other than the misguided and fear driven beliefs you have of yourself.
Open your hearts to the wonders of creation, open your mind to that which you fear in yourself and project onto others. Open your awareness to the multidimensional you that is birthless, deathless and free. You are in a divine union with God as God this is infinite truth. You are divine doubles playing a role of a lost soul. You will find yourself and your way home when you see the divine in the mirror and in your enemies. Free yourself from these chains of bondage you have put yourself in. The keys are in you, release yourselves, everyone and everything with it.
Take this key today and unlock your greatness, by seeing the divine and the infinite in all. Smile at a stranger, talk to a tree, listen to God and then you are free.
We are AnandA we are your friends, your brothers and sisters of the stars, and our relationship to you is as you, in you and with you and we leave you and love until the next time. OM
Martin Mcnicholl is a speaker, intuitive channel and breathworker you can find our more at