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A Personal Share For Transformative Times

September 28, 2020

Greetings dear one I trust all is well with you and you are navigating these transformational times we are all in. We are truly in unchartered territory in this moment and while somewhere underneath we know all is well and perfect, the challenges of this shift can be overwhelming at times. I've always been guided to be fully transparent, authentic and raw on my journey, and that means sometimes sharing uncomfortable experiences. I always aim to let you know that you are not alone, and no matter where you are now, there are people who INnerstand you, have been, or are in the same position and can help and support you.

Ive always had a challenge with asking for help, Ive always wanted to be independent and do things on my own, and while there are some benefits to this, it doesn't always serve us. We are here as humans, being part of this magnificent collective of diverse BEings and this offers a beautiful, powerful opportunity to connect and share and be in commUNITY. Whether thats online, in person or in the ethers we always thrive in groups of like hearted BEings together.

Over the last few months and for most of this year I have struggled a lot in my journey. I have very low energy, feeling tired all the time, had long periods of not wanting to do anything or see anyone. I have momentarily dipped in and out of low depressed moods and honestly felt many times like giving up, and not wanting to be here. Im sure you have or are experiencing some, all or even more than the above at times. Its a natural death and re-birth cycle we are moving through as we recognise and RE-member ourselves as New Earth Humans on New Earth.

With any great shift and transformation comes great upheaval individually and collectively and what sets us apart is our resiliency to keep on moving through, even when there are tears, even when you don't know how, even when it feels impossible. - (A Little space can make all the difference - IM POSSIBLE ) What I can say that has been different this year to the rest of my life, is my ability to ask for help when I need it. I have some people that I can call on, that I know can help, can understand and most importantly can see a bigger picture or through my blind spots. This has been life changing and I am eternally grateful. I do private sessions with people, when I need it, and I am part of community groups that allow me to be myself no matter how that is in the moment. Do you have this support? Do you have people you can connect with in private and in groups that can really serve you? Do you have a community where you are seen, feel heard and appreciated? If not, why not? These questions are important and dictate the quality of your life experience.

Before 2019 I didn't have any of this, I was always going alone and trying to work everything out the slow way! So, as I couldn't find exactly what I needed for myself out there I was guided to begin to create the spaces myself. Safe Spaces with no judgement, with open communication, nothing hidden and allowance of challenging conversations and a deep space for transformation. Offering everything that created the greatest transformation peoples lives and that had the greatest impact on our journey of RE-membering. Those communities became the Self Help Detox, New Earth, Mystery School, Light Worker Launchpad, Abundance Alchemy and now the Higher Self commUNITY and INnerversity.

While we all evolve and shift so quickly, it is so important to have guidance, support, family, accountability and fun along way. We are always shifting so our communities, modalities and groups will evolve, shift and change too.

Now more than ever, as separation, division and strong energies aim to pull us apart its vital that we reach out for help, surround ourselves with like hearted BEings who get us, and support those who support us.

If you don't see what you want in the world, its a call for you to create it. If you don't ask for help you cannot be helped. If you don't reach out, you will never know whats really there. You can be a leader of one, fully sovereign and independent while still engaging and BEing in a commUNITY, and thats where all the fun is anyway :) No one has all the answers, it would be boring or dangerous if you thought they did. The game is finding the different pieces of yOUR puzzle from different people at different times and in different ways.

I have been down and out at times and ready to give up many more, but Im still here and so are you. I am here to serve, and share and shine in new ways and would love to be part of yOUR puzzle-journey if you feel called.

We have opened up again to do more private one on one sessions where we can can connect on a truly deep level and co-create and uncover whats hiding underneath the surface of you wishing to be birthed. Also we have the higher Self CommUNITY with live zoom calls weekly with the perfect blend of spirituality and practicality and support to guide you through your transformation and RE-membering.

If you feel called we would love to welcome you to come co-create and collaborate with us there. As a re-launch offer we are offering 33% of the normal investment for private sessions for all that are booked before 31st October 2020 You can book here now.

If you feel called to join the Higher Self commUNITY where we offer weekly zoom meetings, channeling, light language, guidance, breathwork and dance parties you can save $11.11 off the normal investment of $55.55 and join for only $44.44 per month (cancel at any time)

The communities I have been called to co-create and facilitate have helped supported and lifted me up so many times, and along with my incredible wife and son, this is why I can offer what I do in the world. As much as I have benefitted from them, I have also needed personal support and group communities separate from that to really allow the full integration of all we are moving through and I know you can benefit from this too.

Wether its with us or other individuals / groups we invite you to never try to go it alone, when you add the L-ove to alone you get ALL-ONE :) 💜

We love you so much and thank you for all you are and for BEing born here at this special time. We look forward to connecting and sharing and shining with you wherever that may be.

In Highest love and service

Martin 💜